The Early Years

The Early Years

Six Flags Power Plant (1984)
Baltimore, Maryland
Concept Design, Models and Field Art Direction for Gary Goddard Productions


Universal Hollywood – King Kong (1985)
Los Angeles, California
Concept Design and Model for Landmark Entertainment

Additional Projects for Landmark Entertainment (1984 – 1986):

On-Location Hollywood Miniatures Great Savannah Exposition
Las Vegas – Caesar’s S. S. Admiral
Busch Gardens – Enchanted Laboratory Puroland

Scale Models Unlimited (1980 – 1984)
Menlo Park, California
Model Maker



Frontier Village Amusement Park (1972-1979)
San Jose, California
Hired in Operations; promoted to Asst. Park Designer (1977)

“Bob Baranick once worked at the Village as a young modelmaker for Laurie Hollings. Later Bob went on to become one of the most respected and innovative Imagineers at Disney. Bob brought one of his prize models to the picnic, a scale model of the FV station he built when he was a teenager.”
-Mat Lindstedt, Remembering Frontier Village